
Qingdao Kingstone Industry Co.,Ltd.


  • What should entrance matting do?

    An effective entrance mat should do the following 4 things:

    • Prevent dirt and moisture coming into the building.

    • Hold onto dirt and moisture until it can be cleaned.

    • Stop dirt and moisture being tracked off the mat.

    • Provide a safe walking surface .

  • What are the benefits of Rubber Backed Door Mats?

    • Rubber is a heavier material than Vinyl or PVC, which helps to reduce the chances of the mat moving on the floor.

    • Rubber is naturally very flexible and durable, meaning that you can expect a longer life span from a rubber backed door mat than one made with Vinyl or PVC, especially in areas with high volumes of foot traffic.

    • Rubber backed matting has better noise absorption, insulation and prolonged comfort compared to their vinyl or PVC counterparts.

    • Buying rubber matting is also beneficial to the environment, as complete rubber contains no toxins or hazardous chemicals in the production of the mat backing. Rubber is also 80% recyclable.

  • How long will your Entrance Mat last?

    How long entrance matting will last will depend on several factors:

    • The type of backing – rubber backed mats will always be longer lasting than PVC or Vinyl.

    • The amount of mat pile – look for the weight of the face fabric, the heavier the better!

    • The amount of foot traffic – busy entrances will require a more durable mat in order to increase the lifetime.

    • In addition to this, the better you look after your mat, the longer it will last.

  • Do you have warranty?

    All mats come with a minimum 1 year warranty but some mats come with up to 3 years warranty. This warranty is conditional on use.

  • Can you help with mats for unusual areas?

    Yes. Send us through the dimension requirements and we will advise you on the best matting.

  • How to install carpet on a large or unusual area?


    Determine the number of square feet that you will need.   Measure the length and width of the area you wish to cover.  Multiply the width by the length to get the square footage of the space.  For areas that are not rectangular, break the area into smaller rectangles.  Multiply the width times the length for each of the smaller rectangles separately, and add up all the results to arrive at the overall square footage.



    Remove any old floor coverings, debris, and adhesives from the floor.  Clean the entire floor surface of any dust, drywall mud, etc.   Once the floor has been cleaned, allow it to dry completely. Allow the matting material to sit in the area uninstalled for several hours so it can acclimate to room temperature prior to installation.



    Similar to laying carpet, roll the matting out over the installation area and carefully trim the excess material around the perimeter using a utility knife. If need to fix the mat on the floor,can apply your adhesive to the prepared floor according to the adhesive manufacturer's directions.  We recommend CA024 multi-purpose solvent-free adhesive for all installations, both indoor and outdoor.  Never use an adhesive that contains solvents.